
Pico di Gallo with Fruit

One of my favorites…

Prep Time: 30 min(?)

Improves with age

Serves: 6-8


 3 cups diced tomatoes, fresh or canned (I’ve never used canned)

2 cups diced fruit such as papaya, mango, cantaloupe, honeydew, or diced jicama   (I have used all, usually a combination)

2 jalapeno chilies, finely chopped

1 spanish onion,

diced1 cup chopped cilantro

1 1/2 teaspoons salt

juice of 1 lime


  1. Chop all ingredients (I chop them finely)
  2. Sprinkle salt and lime
  3. Mix all ingredients and let set for a few hours (it will be good for a few days)
  4. Serve with chips or just eat however you like to eat pico di gallo

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